International EEA, or I-EEAWhat is the I-EEA?In response to requests from international institutions, SEE, a recognized leader in domestic experiential education training, has developed the International Experiential Education Academy to work across the globe with schools that value the learning outcomes of experiential education and would like to incorporate this model into their curricula. What makes this program unique is the attention to cultural and social differences in each country. The I-EEA faculty work closely with international partners to understand their culture, the environment, the goals, and their unique needs. Thus the I-EEA faculty can then tailor sessions to the specific needs of each school and program. The International Experiential Education Academy consists of a 4-day intensive immersion in the theory and practice of experiential education offered in an adult centered, active engagement model. Faculty are experienced teachers and scholars in the field who share their knowledge and experience through engaging hand-on sessions designed for both faculty and administrators. What Does the Program Involve?The four-day program consists of the following modules:
Additional Modules will be developed as the need arises from international institutional partners. Who we areDr. Ronald Kovach has served as both a chief academic affair and as a chief student affairs officers throughout his 35-year career. He has conducted numerous presentations on experiential learning at international and national conferences, taught in a variety of academic disciplines, and has publications on experiential education and student retention. While in the Purdue system, Dr. Kovach was awarded a $1.75 million grant from the United States Department of Education for experiential learning. For eight years, Ron served on the Board of Directors of the National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) as President, Treasurer, Past President, and Director of the Experiential Education Academy. In 2017 he was awarded the Society’s Steuerman Award for Distinguished Service.
Feedback from participantsFaculty who have participated in the I-EEA have told us: So much has changed since you left, but we've taken the workshop to heart. The Practical Farming series is underway and each of the "lecture" classes are embracing active and experiential learning components. I've taken a project-based approach to my Communications class and students will pitch their pieces to the RICA communications department! I am writing you this email to thank you for (the reflection tool). I came to knowing it, thanks to you, and I like it. I am journaling everyday, which is something I have never done before. Pictures from the RICA visit (Rwandan Institute of Conservation Agriculture) For more information or to schedule a consultation contact Dr. Ronald Kovach: [email protected] |