SEE Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship
SEE Commitment to Diversity
The Society for Experiential Education to committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in its membership and program offerings. Our vision is to expand the perspectives shared and voices heard throughout our growing profession. We wish to improve access to premier professional development and increase the involvement of diverse experiential educators in SEE’s committees, initiatives, and leadership opportunities.
SEE Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship
The SEE Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship includes one year of membership, one complimentary conference registration with a $500 stipend to support travel to the SEE conference.
Who is Eligible? Individuals who:
- are from groups currently underrepresented within SEE, including, but not limited to: African-American/Black, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, LGBTQ+, Veterans, People with disabilities.
- currently working in the field of experiential education.
- have not attended the SEE National Conference in the last 3 years.
What does the Scholarship provide?
- A year of SEE individual membership.
- A complimentary registration to the 2024 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
- A $500 stipend for lodging or travel to the annual conference
- A mentor from the SEE leadership
Other Information:
Deadline to Apply: Monday, April 29, 2024 The SEE Awards Committee will make the selections and notify recipients. Submit Application
2023 Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Winners
Trezette Dixon Nadia Ibrahim-Taney Webster University University of Cincinnati
2022 Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Winner
Kaitlyn Seitz Stony Book University
2021 Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Winners
 Dr. Ete Chan-Lo Jocelyn Salcedo Stony Brook University Bennington College
2020 Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Winners
 Ting Sie King Patricia Roque Leezel Ramos Swinburne University University of South Seattle University of Technology Sarawak Florida
2019 Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Winners  Christy Quiogue Jennifer Erilus San Diego State University Bristol Community College Read Christy's Bio here Read Jennifer's Bio here
2018 Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Winners  Shelia Moses Theresa Harrison The University of Memphis University of South Carolina