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 Subject : Re:Quick EL Benchmark Project - Fellows Programs?.. 11/25/2024 05:28:20 PM 
Susan Dequeant
Posts: 2
Hi Justin,

I am in charge of an EL program at the Univ. of Texas at Arlington as part of a campus-wide EL initiative. In it, I lead a faculty fellows program which teaches faculty how to incorporate one or more of the five designated EL activities into their courses - Leadership, Research, Career, Community Engagement, and Global.

Through monthly seminars, we highlight various departmental resources as guest speakers for them to collaborate with and possibly use within the course, such as services from the Career office to help students build a resume. We also discuss reflection, assessment, and other topics that are vital to the student experience.

There are anywhere from 10-20 fellows each academic year, and I have 5-6 faculty facilitators to help teach them. They have already gone through the program, and are hand-selected by me.

Together with a small, select group of faculty, we built the program starting in 2019, and each summer the facilitators and I reflect on it through observation and feedback from the fellows. Each cohort runs the academic year, fellows complete an application to participate, there are benchmarks and requirements, and departmental funds are paid to each fellow based on the deliverables.

I also direct the Center for Service Learning in which we have a cohort of faculty fellows in the fall.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Susan Dequeant
Associate Director, Center for Service Learning
University of TX at Arlington
[email protected]
 Subject : Re:Quick EL Benchmark Project - Fellows Programs?.. 11/23/2024 09:15:14 AM 
Paul Gaszak
Posts: 5
Hi Justin,

At my former institution, Robert Morris University Illinois, I started something alike an EL Fellows program. Prior to that program, the university had what was essentially a center for teaching & learning staffed by faculty fellows. As our course-based EL initiatives grew, I founded a complementary EL fellows program to focus specifically on EL while the original group continued to focus on general teaching & learning. They worked closely together, including sharing the same office suite. The primary goals of the EL group were scaling course-based EL, quality assurance, and faculty focused EL PD. We had three faculty in the EL team, one serving as director.

I hope this helps a bit with the info you’re collecting. I’m happy to chat more if you have any questions.

Paul Gaszak
SEE Board Member
 Subject : Quick EL Benchmark Project - Fellows Programs?.. 11/20/2024 02:48:13 PM 
Justin Sipes
Posts: 1
Location: University of North Florida
Good afternoon, everyone.

I have an upcoming meeting with our president who is always curious about benchmarking. I found results from the 2023 Common Questions for Exp Ed Leaders Network which is super helpful.

What I am hoping to learn (and did not see in that survey) is if institutions offer EL Faculty/Staff Fellows programs?

I have two programs (a community of practice and a research fellowship) that I am in talks to absorb (it looks promising I will get both), and I also want to use this opportunity to expand each. Knowing of other campuses that might have a similar program/opportunity will be helpful in that conversation.

If you have a Fellow program, can let me know who participates (faculty, staff, both), approximately how many people, and quick synopsis of the program focus (i.e., enhancing quality; increasing opportunity)?

I am happy to compile and share out if it can benefit others.

I greatly appreciate the help with this rudimentary and quick benchmarking project!



Dr. Justin M. Sipes
Director, Experiential Learning
University of North Florida
Dr. Justin M. Sipes (He | Him | His)
Office of Experiential Learning

Email: [email protected]

1 UNF Drive
Building 4, Suite 2804
Jacksonville, FL 32224
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